About This Artist

About this Artist
Pronouns: he/him
Mr. Word is a professional performance artist and author who’s been working domestically and internationally for over 20 years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Performance from Towson University with a minor in Theater. He’s also been an educator for 15 years including his work as a behavioral specialist for children with special needs.
Mr. Word’s specialties include singing, songwriting, Hip Hop, poetry, and percussion.
Art is a teacher, a healer; a space for creativity and
expression; a vehicle to freedom, safety, and joy. We are conduits for all the great things art is, does, and provides.We are ambassadors for art, and that’s a great thing.
“The performance was AMAZING! The engagement between the artist and the audience was great. The songs and poems were not only liked by those viewing this performance, but they were inspirational and informative. The positive message and catchy beats left the audience snapping fingers and tapping their feet long after the performance! His performance left the kids with information and tools that will be helpful to their development long after he's gone.” - Donald Odoms (IC Summer Arts for Learning), 6th Grade Social Studies, Roland Park Elementary Middle School
“I was moved listening to Mr. Word completely rock his performance! He really took his time with the crowd and made sure the kids were engaged and feeling his vibes!” - Joshua Caprio, Site Director at Graceland Park Elementary School (Summer Arts for Learning)
“The Poetry Spot welcomed students and educators to a simultaneously stimulating and soothing space where the audience were both viewers and participants. We were taken on a journey through music and storytelling. We snapped our fingers, clapped and responded to poetic calls as we listened to Mr. Word speak to us melodically. Students need more explicit, engaging, and uplifting poetry instruction in schools. SALA [the Summer Arts for Learning Academy] was fortunate to experience that through Mr. Word.” - Salimatou Cristal Ouedraogo (or Ms. O), ESOL teacher at Riverdale Elementary School in Prince George’s County