Bringing your Studies to Life - Synetic Theater

Bringing your Studies to Life

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Bringing your Studies to Life

Program Type


In Bringing your Studies to Life, multicultural studies come to life as Synetic actors help students tackle and explore a subject by creating a theatre scene about it. Students use the fundamentals of theatre: movement, simple classroom props, and imagination to bring studies to life!

Typically, residencies range from $2,500 and up, but we can use your available budget and ‘work backwards’ to create a cost-effective residency for your school. We may be able to assist you in securing grant and funding opportunities.

Residencies are tailored to your needs but usually include:

  • A kick-off assembly (performing arts only)
  • A required orientation meeting and planning session
  • A set of workshops for classes of up to 25 students each
  • A student culminating or sharing event
  • An evaluation meeting
  • Testimonials

    "Thank you so much, Tori and Peter! This was one of the best AIR (artist-in-residence) weeks the team experienced. Thank you again for your dedication, organization, and sensitivity to each student."

    Teacher, Westbrook Elementary School