Noa Baum and young students march and open their mouths wide during a workshop.

Choosing Peace: Multicultural Tales to Ponder

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Choosing Peace: Multicultural Tales to Ponder


"Noa is fantastic! She brings her stories alive so that this petite woman actually resembles a lion, a turtle--actually any character she takes on, when performing--without costume! I cannot say enough about Noa--the teachers, staff and most importantly the students were captivated by her storytelling."

Pamela, Oakland Terrace Elementary PTA

"Noa was warm and engaging. She established immediate rapport with the audience, giving clear cues for decorum, but lots of space for appropriate response and participation. Her stories were mesmerizing, her timing impeccable, and her connection with the children genuine. Loved her!"

Nan, Principal, AlephBet Jewish Day School

"I appreciated the diverse nature of the stories Noa told both at the performance and on her CD. She brought in elements of the cultures that the stories sprang from and made the stories come alive with her dramatic telling of them. Noa is truly an exceptional performer."

Katherine, Parent of a Waverly Elementary student