Will there be field trips?

Yes! There will be two field trips that take place during regular program hours. Stay tuned for location information. In the past, field trips have included visits to Artscape (for our students in grades 3-5 who perform or showcase their…

What if my student has an IEP or 504 plan?

Young Audiences works closely with Baltimore City Public Schools to provide as many accommodations as possible to support students with IEPs and 504 Plans. All teachers in the program are certified and trained in supporting the needs of all students…

What if I don’t know my student’s Baltimore City Schools student ID number?

It is essential that the Baltimore City Student ID Number be provided for each student when applying. A student cannot be accepted into the program until the student ID number is known. If a student ID number is not provided…

I’ve already applied, when will I hear back about my application?

After completing the application, it will typically take 2-4 weeks to hear back from us regarding your student’s status. Students will be mailed an acceptance letter through USPS asking for a parent or guardian to call our office at 410-837-7577…

What if I have a vacation scheduled?

Since SALA is only five weeks long, attendance is critical! Students are expected to attend every day of the program, Monday – Friday, July 9th – August 10th. It is crucial that all students attend every day to fully participate…

What does my student need to wear?

Appropriate, comfortable clothing for school, playing outside, and summer weather Clothing that is okay to get messy! Depending on the day, students may be painting, working with clay, etc. All undergarments should be covered. Closed toed shoes, we tend to…

Can my student bring a cell phone?

We highly discourage bringing phones to the site. Cell phones are distracting not only for the student with the phone but also for the students around them. If a student MUST carry a phone, he/she is expected to keep it…