What are Enrichment Exploration and Majors Classes?
What are Enrichment Exploration and Majors Classes?
In addition to daily arts-integrated instruction in math and literacy (co-taught by a professional teaching artist and certified teacher), students will explore a variety of different afternoon enrichment options. Children in Pre-K through 2nd grade will participate in a total of five 1-week-long Exploration classes with a new enrichment beginning each week throughout the program. These classes can range from theatre, dance, and music to STEM and robotics.
Our older students in 3rd through 5th grade will participate in Majors classes. On the first day of the Summer Arts & Learning Academy, students will attend a Majors fair to learn about all of the options that they have available to them—with choices ranging from animation, filmmaking, hip-hop dance, ceramics, and music to robotics and athletics. Students will rank their top choices, attending one of their selected Majors class every day for the first 2.5 weeks of the program, then switching to another Majors class for the final 2.5 weeks of the program.