Operation Trash

Program Type
Assembly / Performance

Operation Trash teaches the importance of good trash management and the problems that arise when we ‘trash’ our communities and pollute our planet. Participants will be asked to look critically at their own trash behavior as well as analyze trash hot spots in densely populated areas.

Operation Trash is presented by Kathie diStefano, international visiting artist at Arts for Learning who was born in PA, studied in NY, but has spent most of her theatrical career in the Netherlands. Ms. Kathie enjoys sharing Dutch culture with her audiences along with facts and figures about trash challenges faced in both countries. Famous Dutch painters, architecture and trash art, along with learning fun Dutch words are incorporated in this Operation Trash assembly. Operation Trash advocates ‘Thinking global and acting local.’


Thank you for visiting Bay Brook Elementary Middle School to teach our students about keeping animals safe by disposing of trash and recycling properly. Your presentation had our students completely engaged. Because you use so much humor in your show, the students didn’t even realize they were learning. They are all still smiling and talking about the show. We would love to have you back to Bay Brook any time.

Debbie Woolley, Guidance Counselor, Bay Brook Elementary Middle School