Professional Development for Educators
Our evidence-based professional development programs provide educators with realistic, accessible, and fun techniques for integrating the arts with other subjects to authentically engage and challenge students of all learning abilities.
Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators
Through classroom residences, Maryland Wolf Trap pairs early childhood educators with master teaching artists for hands-on training in arts integration. Teachers and teaching artists work side by side to develop innovative lesson plans that use the performing arts to teach curricula skills and concepts to children in pre-K and kindergarten.
Teachers will gain a hands-on understanding of the connections between arts experiences and learn effective ways to engage students in participatory activities that involve all the senses and encourage critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration.
“Wolf Trap programs reinvigorate teachers to instruct students beyond paper and pencil. Teachers learn new strategies [through the arts] that scaffold the Common Core standards, while students engage in the enthusiasm of the artist and teacher working together.”
—Terri Core, PreK Education Manager, Baltimore City
"This program has made me more confident in getting my students up and moving. I now feel comfortable integrating performing arts into my curriculum, lessons, and activities in a meaningful, productive, and comprehensive manner so my students are having fun and learning at the same time.”
—Kim, Patapsco Elementary Middle Teacher
Arts-Integrated Professional Development for Teachers of All Grade Levels
Our innovative professional development programs are designed by educators and teaching artists to help teachers of all subjects and grade levels harness the power of the arts to authentically engage and challenge students in other academic areas—like reading, math, and science.
Workshops focus on cultivating creativity and imagination, strengthening teacher practice, building positive classroom climate, and improving student outcomes through evidence-based arts integration techniques.
95% of teachers surveyed reported that our arts-integrated embedded professional development program was the best professional development experience they ever had or better than most.
"Never thought I would feel so inspired. After 26 years of teaching, I feel rejuvenated and excited!”
—Charmaine, Teacher, Woods Academy
"The workshop worked well with STEM and Common Core Standards. One participant who is a middle school Math teacher had been struggling with her lesson seeds but she left the workshop all smiles knowing she had a great lesson for her students."
—Ellen, Teacher, Perryville and Bainbridge Elementary School
Custom-Designed Professional Development Institutes to Raise Student Achievement
We partner with school districts and other organizations to provide effective, innovative, and comprehensive professional development institutes. These institutes focus on empowering educators to develop lessons and assessment tools designed to raise student achievement through arts-integrated teaching and learning.
This programming is customizable and scalable based on the needs and goals of your school or district.
For more information, contact our education director Hana Morford at [email protected].
86% of teachers who participated in our professional development program reported that their teaching practice was positively impacted in the areas of planning, engaging students, differentiating instruction and/or creating classroom culture
"One of the best and most well-attended Title I Professional Development Academy sessions we have had this year.”
—Brad, Supervisor of Title I, Harford County Public Schools